
“Over the years I’ve had the opportunity of having discussions and hearing presentations by Transformation Coaches, Psychotherapists, CBT experts and Counsellors… all have provided expert guidance and support in many different ways that have helped both my thinking and my behaviours, although I’ve never previously considered it necessary, or justified to look for, or pay for specialist help.
Recently though, having joined the ‘Keto Fitness Club‘, I was introduced to Ian McGill, a Transformational Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Poet. I had the privilege of having a one-to-one consultation with him following one of our regular group workshops and I have to admit I was a bit sceptical; I didn’t feel I had any major issues, although like most people, there were a few ‘niggles’ that seemed to affect my mood occasionally. But following that first session, I realised that although I felt like a very positive and compassionate person generally, there were things holding me back, and influencing the way I reacted to specific people and certain events. One session wasn’t enough to rid myself of all those ‘niggles’, so I booked some further sessions and Ian guided me through a series of tried and tested processes which really took me through every emotion I think a human being can feel in such a short space of time.

The result… I’m no longer angry or tense when specific things happen or I meet certain people, I have learnt to think positively and be calm, I am grounded and centred, and I don’t have any ‘niggles’ that affect the way I think or behave. I have a plan for my future, I am relaxed, unruffled and I have changed and it’s being noticed by others.

After my last consultation, a friend said, “How amazing it was to hear your song change when you spoke… no lie, I could hear the title words of the song ‘that’s why I’m easy, easy like Sunday morning’… there was just that tangible shift in your language and tone. Subtle but sweet…” Eira Hammond

"Ian has listened to me with an understanding that has lead me to a place of insight where I now can live a full and impactful life. Igniting the spark that I lost through overwhelm and circumstance.​"



“Check me out!! I’m exempt from wearing a face mask at work because of the anxiety, but after my session with Ian McGill – here I am not only do I feel no anxiety, I feel safe too, many thanks Ian ” – Sheena

“I first discovered Ian when I joined the Keto Fitness Club back in July 2020. I was at an extremely low point in my life due to poor diet, lack of exercise, and just generally feeling low. After joining in on Ian’s Monday night sessions on Zoom, where he gets to the nitty-gritty of why we think the way we do, I started to shift my way of thinking. Not only did he help me stop overthinking and destroying myself with negative thoughts, but he also pointed to something that has been inside me all along…my aliveness! I now eat well, I think well, and I’m finally in an amazing place with energy and vitality, I am currently the happiest I’ve ever been with a completely new outlook on life and I can’t wait to see what the future brings”  Lisa Bell

“If you have been in zoom sessions you will know the meaning of this saying. If you are new and never been to his sessions, one thing I’m going to say is he is amazing transformational coach and helps you with your keto journey or you can even have a private session with him. I have benefited from his private sessions, my life changed so much for the better, I live my best life now” Eli Warnock

I first decided to book in with Ian as I felt I really needed help with my binge eating, being a therapist myself I knew the root of the problem was my mind! Booking that first appointment was the best thing I did in 2020. Ian is the most insightful, delightful man you could meet. He has no judgment. I can hand on heart say he has changed my life. Not just the binging, my stress levels, sleep, and all-around happiness. I no longer worry about what people think about me and really do look at the world differently. If I could gift Ian to everyone wow would the world be a different place? He helped me so much I booked in for him to treat me for my spider phobia. I have even been on TV my phobia is so bad. Well not anymore. I don’t love them yet! But I have become way less hysterical around them! Thank you, Ian, for coming into my life.

“I was really concerned about my daughter during the lockdown. She’s 15 years old and normally a happy and confident young lady with great grades. Homeschool and lack of social peer contact started to show a very different child. I was really concerned about her mental health. Having had such a transformation myself with Ian. I asked if he would help my daughter. After the first session, she was laughing and smiling again. He helped her understand her feelings and showed her the tools she already had to help her through this very tough time. She looked forward to her sessions with Ian and after 6 weeks she was like her old self again. School even asked who was this guy Ian she was seeing as they could see you was managing better and talk of his wisdom often.”

“My mum suggested I talk to Ian as I wasn’t coping well at school after the long lockdown. I couldn’t concentrate and felt tearful all the time. I was getting behind on my work and that was stressing me out. I didn’t want to talk to my friends and even struggled watching TV. I felt like someone took all my energy and Joy away. At first, I wasn’t sure about to see Ian. But I’m so glad I did. The things he said just clicked. He didn’t mind if I cried or laughed. I felt like me more each time the fog in my brain cleared and my mum said I was laughing again. I think everyone in my class would benefit from seeing him. Even my teachers said they should book in as they couldn’t believe the difference in me in such a short time.”

“Just to say, if you are thinking of booking a chat with Ian McGill

go for it . After only 3 sessions, my thinking about life, work and food has changed in such a positive way. You come away thinking how did that happen!! If you are a member of the Keto Fitness Club you get this for only £9.99 a month. You are able to access his chats on a Monday night as well as being able to do the fitness videos to. This group is so supportive, I am a new me !!

Update: day 3 and still going strong and confident Andrena low

"I cannot recommend Ian highly enough, my confidence to do anything was at an all time low, and he helped me totally change that around. He is the most amazing person, who is easy to talk to and makes you feel at ease. Thank you again Ian."



“Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I was in a self-sabotage kind of mindset and it took me a bit of time to figure out why. My eating was all over the place and the worst part was I had way too many carbs so felt physically horrid too. Today is a new day. I cannot change yesterday but I am learning from it and using it to push me through today and helping me stay focused on myself and eating right. So PT, food planning, food shop, self-care time, and then most importantly the mindset zoom call with In McGill tonight. It is because of Ian and the brilliant information and tools he shares with us that I recognised, refocused, and I can move on without carrying yesterday’s baggage with me.”  Lisa Wyer

“After attending Ian McGill’s change your thinking session last night, “self-sabotage“ – revisited. On reflection this AM I realised I’ve been in an old way of thinking which has had me self-sabotaging!

As it’s a new year we so often focus on making goals that so often are no way realistic or achievable! I’ve been so frustrated that I can’t join in some of the exercise classes as I know they are so beneficial to us, that old thinking was not allowing me to move forward. Light bulb this morning. Why am I thinking about all the reasons I can’t join in? What about all the things I can do? I’ve joined a 1000 mile walking challenge. Need to decide on fundraising!

Today I have set myself an hourly reminder to get up and walk around the house. Every time I go into a different room I’m doing a squat. I’m moving, I’m mobile, I’m walking. This is realistic and achievable for me. Just putting this out there so it helps me with my own accountability and moving forward.” Tracy Holvey Grenter

“Just listened to the most recent podcast with Ian McGill and wow it is brilliant thank you to Ian and mark for sharing. I absolutely agree, having had a 30 min chat with Ian a couple of weeks ago I can honestly say he is one of the nicest, kindest and understanding men and so easy to talk to. Highly recommend getting in touch with him if you feel you need it.” Lizzie

Reflection – Testimonial to Ian McGill
I don’t want to look at me,
I really don’t like what I see
I know the history of that face
I know all about the pain,
the shame and disgrace.
Then look at me, can you do that?
Can you hear the words that I reflect?
Can you hear the truth that comes from me?

Well, that’s the truth that I know and see.
It’s not a lofty figure of speech,
It’s the quiet voice of your inner peace.
Revealing who you’ve always been.
Not the lies of your youth that locked you in.
Your words are whole and I want to see.
I think I want to look at me.
Your words so calm seem to resonate
Please keep reflecting back towards my face.
I like the truth that you share with me,
I always feel like I’m being set free.
The past is the past, it’s misrepresented you.
The here and now is the vital clue.
The vital clue! To what? I say.
To your happiness that won’t fade away…
opportunities now await,
the newness of thinking at a kinder pace.
Words of self-love look back at you, can you see what I see…
Yes I can see me too

By me… Carrie Flaherty. This has been a short Ode to the pure beauty and joy of talking to transformational Coach Ian McGill. He has so kindly coached me out of the dark places of my mind and into the light of living in the present time and loving me for me. With all my uniqueness…

"Thank you very much for your help Ian, you have really changed my life and the way that I think about things! I am so glad I came to you for help"



Over the last 5 years Ian has helped me to find myself. His insight into finding a different way to think is outstanding. He guides you and shows you how to change your story to be more positive and find self compassion. He is a great listener and knows how to evoke the realisation that the answers are within.
Ian has helped me move on from grief, anger and sadness. He has many techniques in his toolbag but his true style is his authenticity and intuition. I would highly recommend him to coach you through any emotion that may be holding you back. So happy to have met you Ian. K Bushby


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